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Resposta da empresa

11 Ago 2022

Columbia Gem House

Malawi: US firm responds to allegations of unpaid mining tax revenue

‘US Firm Denies Malawi Accusations of Unpaid Mining Taxes’ 11 August 2022

Columbia Gem House is not, and never has been, an owner of Nyala Mines or any other entity in Malawi, nor a signatory to any lease agreement with the Government of Malawi.

Neither we nor the US Embassy in Malawi have received the July 26, 2022 letter ostensibly drafted by Malawi Attorney General, Thabo Chakaka-Nyirenda, referenced by some media sources, that was originally posted on Twitter. It is our understanding that it is normal protocol for an embassy to receive such correspondence from a foreign government which again, raises further concerns.

We would certainly offer a formal response to any official communication from the Government of Malawi and address any questions or issues they might have.