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8 Jul 2014

Melinda Maldonado, MacLeans [Canada]

Mining for the truth in Guatemala

Rosa Elbira Coc Ich was warming tortillas when the men came…Nine…pushed their way into her home…Ich claims all nine of them raped her. Nearby 10 other women from the Mayan Q’eqchi’ community say they experienced the same ordeal—gang rapes at the hands of police, military and private security from the Fenix nickel mine, 300 km northeast of Guatemala City…These and other allegations, including the murder of a community leader and the shooting of another local man, are contained in three lawsuits filed in 2010 against…Hudbay Minerals Inc., which owned the mine through a subsidiary from 2008 to 2011. None of the allegations have been proven in court; the company…denies the allegations. The simple fact the case has made it this far has already raised the stakes for Canadian companies operating abroad.  [also refers to Tahoe Resources, Skye Resources (part of HudBay), Compañía Guatemalteca de Níquel (CGN) (part of HudBay), Soloway Group]