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Resposta da empresa

15 Jul 2013


Ooredoo response to Business and Human Rights Resource Centre’s request for a response to HRW’s Report: Burma Telecom Winners Should Safeguard Users

[Ooredoo response to call from Human Rights Watch to make public commitment to transparency & strong human rights policies with regard to winning telecom license in Myanmar.] Ooredoo firmly believes in the transformative power of telecommunications services...Ooredoo strongly believes in its responsibility to protect the individual rights of its customers and always complies with the laws and license regulations of the jurisdictions it operates in. Myanmar is unique in this respect as much of its regulatory infrastructure is in the nascent stages of formation. As such, as we build our network and service offering in Myanmar we will develop, and implement, state of the art measures to uphold the confidentiality of our customers across all communications and data exchanged on our network, as well as any user data and information stored on our platforms.

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