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8 Dez 2011

Hindu [India]

Operations resumed at Brandix [India]

Brandix India Apparel City (BIAC), the Indian arm of Brandix Lanka, resumed operations at its 1,000-acre apparel park at Atchutapuram...Work in the apparel park located in AP Special Economic Zone was suspended on Saturday, a day after agitating fishermen from three neighbouring villages laid siege to the main gate demanding compensation for polluting the sea and affecting the fish catch...The stalemate...was resolved after the intervention of Joint Collector M. Girija Shankar. He held a marathon session with the agitating people...and promised to constitute an expert committee to go into the alleged pollution caused by BIAC, consider jobs to girls who had studied up to eight class and take up welfare measures by Brandix under corporate social responsibility...The Brandix management stoutly denied the pollution charge.