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6 Abr 2022

Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement

Swedish public buyers publish draft contract terms for sustainable supply chain due diligence (comments invited by 13 May)

In August 2021, the Swedish National Agency for Public Procurement, Adda Central Purchasing Body and the Swedish Regions' Secretariat for Sustainable Procurement started work on revising our contract terms for sustainable supply chains. This work has led to draft contract terms for sustainability due diligence, to be used together with commitments at the core level (ILO core conventions) or advanced level (sustainable supply chains), as well as support material for monitoring: self-assessment template, assessment matrix, office audit template, deviation management template and factory audit template. The terms, guidance and support material are available in Swedish and English. A reference group consisting of about 40 organisations from different sectors has also participated in the work...

We are now looking forward to comments on the draft from anyone who is in any way involved in or otherwise affected by public procurement. We need your comments by 13 May. Use the answer form below and send your comments to [email protected].

Adda Central Purchasing Body and the Regions' National Secretariat for Sustainable Procurement have also mapped the commitments against the Global Goals, compiled country risks based on four indices and listed useful sources for the work with due diligence.

During the consultation period, we will also develop the guidance.