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23 Ago 2021

All Africa

Uganda: Govt set to review bilateral labour agreements with Middle East & Gulf countries due to worker abuse


Photo: Sam Nabi

"How Kenya, Uganda Can End Abuse of Migrant Workers In Middle East", 22 Aug 2021

Uganda is set to review its bilateral labour agreements with a number of countries, particularly in the Middle East, as cases of abuse of migrant workers continue to rise....

Chief of Mission for the UN Agency on Migration in Uganda in Kampala, Sanusi Tejan Savage, told Gender Minister Betty Amongi that the continued reports of maltreatment of migrant workers, even in countries where bilateral labour agreements exist, was of concern....

In Kenya, Central Organisation of Trade Union has asked the government to shut down what they termed "modern slavery"....

This criticism came shortly after the Kenyan Labour Cabinet Secretary Simon Chelugui revealed that at least 93 Kenyans died while working in the Middle East in the past three years.