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18 Ago 2021

Andy Coyne, Just Food

UK: Workers at Weetabix plant stage 24-hour strike after rejecting offer on pay

"Workers at UK Weetabix plant down tools in dispute over pay", 18 August 2021

Employees at a Weetabix production plant in the UK staged a 24-hour strike yesterday in a dispute over pay...

The dispute with Weetabix – owned by US-based Post Holdings – is over pay for shifts during unsocial hours. Staff have rejected an offer from the company.

Ed Leach, area organiser for the trade union Usdaw, which represents workers at the site, said further strikes would follow the 24-hour stoppage unless the company changes its position...

A Weetabix spokesperson told Just Food: “We are naturally disappointed to see our cereal bars team on strike, but respect their right to do so.

“Our success over nearly 90 years is built on a strong relationship with our workforce. To continue to meet the expectations of our customers and consumers it is important that our ways of working evolve, and as a business we continue to invest in our people, plants, and products."

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