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24 Mai 2018

UN invites Maersk to respond on alleged transboundary movement of end-of-life vessel

 We would like to bring to the attention of your company information we have received about the alleged transboundary movement of an end-of-life ship owned by a partnership based in the United Kingdom between A.P. Moeller Maersk and Odebrecht. The vessel...containing hazardous substances...arrived in August 2016 to Chittagong, Bangladesh for dismantling. The vessel named North Sea Producer was owned by the UK registered North Sea Production Company...the companies reportedly informed authorities in the UK that the vessel was being purchased by a Saint Kitts and Nevis based company. Despite this information...the ship towed straight to Bangladesh for dismantling on hazardous materials. The Janata Steel yard in Bangladesh reportedly purchased the vessel from Global Marketing System (GMS)...which was involved in the setting up of the post box company Conquistador Shipping Corporation...thus the North Sea Production Company sold the North Sea Producer to a well-known scrap dealer and must therefore have been aware that the tanker would not be further operationally used. Non-governmental organization raised serious concerns with regard to the contamination of vessel by dangerous chemicals, oil and gases, as well as radioactive material.