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11 Out 2021

Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty

YouTube deletes two German-language channels managed by Russia's state-owned media company over Covid-19 misinformation

YouTube Deletes RT German-Language Channels Over COVID-19 'Misinformation', 28 September 2021

Video-sharing platform YouTube has deleted two German-language channels managed by Russia’s state-owned media company RT, prompting Moscow to blast the company for "censorship" and vow retaliation.

U.S. tech giant Google, which owns YouTube, said it deleted RT DE and Der Fehlende Part (The Missing Part) on September 28 because the channels had published what it called “misinformation” about COVID-19 and vaccines.

Google said it warned RT DE that it was violating its rules and temporarily blocked its ability to publish...

Russia immediately condemned the move, with Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov accusing YouTube of "censorship," while the Foreign Ministry said it would request governmental agencies take retaliatory measures against YouTube and German media outlets against an "unprecedented act of media aggression." ...