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27 Set 2022

Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association

Zimbabwe: Law group recommends mandatory human rights due diligence for Chinese investments after reviewing Chinese extractive projects

"How Powerful is China in Zimbabwe? New Report Counts the Ways" 27 September 2022

The prominent Zimbabwean environmental NGO the Zimbabwe Environmental Law Association (ZELA) published a new policy brief mapping China's influence in key Zimbabwean economic sectors, including extractives, utilities and power.

ZELA has been sharply critical of Chinese companies' labor and environmental violations in the past. However, this report highlights both the positive and negative impacts of China-Zim engagement.

Recommendations from ZELA's New Report on Chinese Influence in Zimbabwe:

TO THE ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT: The NGO urges Harare to build China capacity across government departments, while also mandating transparency standards and regular reporting on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues.

TO THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT: ZELA called on the Chinese government to better track the activities of Chinese firms in Zimbabwe while implementing global mandatory human rights standards for its companies around the world.