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30 Ноя 2020

Robert V. Percival and Jingjing Zhang

Academic paper examines transnational environmental accountability in the context of Chinese overseas investment

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The efforts of multinational corporations in extractive industries to obtain oil and mineral resources from developing countries have often caused severe environmental harm and intense conflicts with local populations. Chinese companies have been a particular focus of such conflicts, which have occurred in more than 50 developing nations. Beginning in the early 2000s, the Chinese government’s “Go Out/Go Global” policy encouraged Chinese companies to increase their overseas presence. In 2013, the Go Out/Go Global policy reached a new stage when the Chinese government announced the “Belt and Road” Initiative, a massive global development strategy involving Chinese infrastructure investments in scores of countries. [...]

After providing examples of environmental and human rights controversies caused by projects operated by multi- national corporations, this article considers how to promote greater transnational accountability through legal measures, transparency initiatives, and other means.