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14 Апр 2020

Bangladesh: Trade unions to launch global campaign against retailers that cancel or suspend orders

“Worker leaders to launch global campaign against buyers”, 13 April 2020

Garment worker leaders threatened to launch mass campaign globally against buyers if any of them cancel, suspend or claim discount on their order for Corona Virus pandemic.

They … expressed .. concern as local owners sacked over 10,000 workers … during last couple of weeks.

… BCWS [Bangladesh Centre for Worker Solidarity] is working with International Finance Corporation (IFC) bringing buyers under a legal binding so that they could not violate international norms on workers rights.

… [A] joint statement issued by Bangladesh Garments and Industrial Workers Federation (BGIWF), Bangladesh Industrial Garments Union Federation (BIGUF) and Bangladesh Centre for Workers Solidarity (BCWS) expressed grave concern about the mass dismissal of workers.

The worker leaders demand immediate stoppage of such mass firing of labour from garment units and called government intervention …