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9 Авг 2013

Ben Farmer, The Telegraph (UK)

Britain to sell Typhoon jets to Bahrain, despite human rights record

The proposed deal with the Gulf monarchy rocked by protests in 2011 is thought to be worth more than £1 billion and is part of a concerted effort by Gulf countries to strengthen military ties with Britain... Bahrain’s government faced condemnation and accusations of brutality for its repression of protests led by the island’s Shia majority in early 2011, but still considers Britain one of its closest international allies. Amnesty International claimed the arms negotiations showed human rights worries were once again playing second fiddle to British business deals. Tim Hancock, Amnesty International’s UK campaigns director said: “Bahrain’s human rights situation is appalling and it’s worrying that the UK appears to be taking a ‘business as usual’ approach to selling the country high-tech weaponry.
