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4 Янв 2019

Vida Taing, Khmer Times

Cambodia: Authorities interrupt the 5th anniversary of 2014 Veng Sreng deadly protests held by unions and activists; unions call for independent investigation

"Veng Sreng protest anniversary blocked", 4 January 2019

Police ... dismantled a ceremony tent erected by worker unions ... to mark the fifth anniversary of the 2013 and 2014 fatal along Veng Sreng Boulevard for higher minimum wages in the garment sector... City Hall spokesman Met Meas Pheakdey said authorities removed the tent because no notice was given and no approval from local authorities was granted,...

Garment workers staged ... wage protests along Veng Sreng Boulevard, which turned violent and led to authorities opening fire on demonstrators, leaving at least five dead...

Vorn Pov, president of IDEA, also displayed the bloodied clothes he wore on the day he was beaten and gave a speech to commemorate it inside his office...

In December 2013, garment workers took to the streets to demand a minimum wage hike from $80 to $95, ...

National Police spokesman Lieutenant General Chhay Kim Khoeun said the probe has been ongoing and that no conclusion has been made yet...

..., six union leaders Chea Mony, Mom Nhim, Ath Thorn, Yang Sophorn, Pav Sina, and former unionist Rong Chhun were found guilty of instigating violence over their roles in the 2013 and 2014 violent protests. They were sentenced to two years and six months in jail, but the sentences were suspended. Prime Minister Hun Sen said ... that three out of the six union leaders were not involved in the demonstrations...

Labour Ministry spokesman Heng Sour ... said more than 100 court cases filed by union leaders across the country have been forwarded to the Justice Ministry. “Ninety percent of the court cases we received are complaints lodged by company owners,” Mr Sour said. “Seven cases were filed by union leaders against each other.”

Justice Ministry spokesman Chin Malin said the court is now handling the cases, noting that the process would take longer, depending on each case...
