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11 Авг 2021


Cambodia: PUMA's response to workers’ wage losses and improper payment of severance in their supply chain factories during the COVID-19 pandemic

“From our records, the factories mentioned in the letter do not produce for PUMA.

The payment of fair wage is an integral part of PUMA’s Code of Conduct. Our suppliers are monitored to comply with legally mandated wages as well as other legally mandated benefits. When a work contract is terminated, severance payments must be made in accordance with local laws and regulations. During the lockdown in Cambodia, the workers at our partner factories continued to receive income…

As during the first lockdown in 2020, our strategy with our retail partners and suppliers is to avoid order cancellation as much as possible and to rephase the delivery accordingly. In Cambodia, we only cancelled 0.2 % of our apparel orders. There were no cancellations for footwear and for accessories orders. The number of factories we work with did not decrease during the pandemic.”
