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19 Июн 2021

Al Jazeera

Colombia: Leaders of mass anti-government protests plan to suspend weekly demonstrations; unions and business associations intend to draft bills to share with Congress

Elizabeth Dickinson Twitter account (@dickinsonbeth)

“Colombia protest leaders suspending weekly demonstrations”, 15 June 2021

...The leaders of mass anti-government protests in Colombia have said they plan to suspend their weekly demonstrations but promised to continue to fight for widespread social and economic reforms. National strike committee spokesman Francisco Maltes said on Tuesday that the umbrella group of workers’ unions, student organisations and others had decided to “temporarily” pause the protests that have taken place on Wednesdays...The exact death toll linked to the protests remains disputed, but human rights groups say dozens of people have been killed by security forces...The protest leaders on Tuesday accused Duque’s government of undermining an effort to start negotiations after talks were called off earlier this month...Meanwhile, Maltes said unions and business associations would meet to draft bills to share with Congress when it begins a new session on July 20. Another protest is also expected that day...