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23 Апр 2013

Nigerian Observer

Community reports spill from Agip’s facilities [Nigeria]

Residents in Ikarama Community of Okordia in Bayelsa has said there are oil spills from the Agip’s onshore oil fields reportedly shut down on March 23...The paramount ruler of Ikarama, Chief Daniel Francos, told newsmen that the community was yet to feel the impact of the shutdown announced by the oil firm as the spill persisted... He said that the refusal of Agip to clean up the spills had posed serious health risks to the inhabitants of the community... The traditional ruler dismissed the allegations that the spills were caused by oil theft, and said that the oil firm had neglected its social obligations to the communities where it operates. “Agip has failed to implement the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) reached/signed with our community," [he said]...
