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14 Апр 2022

The New Arab

Ericsson likely to pay fines to US Department of Justice over 'Islamic State bribes' in Iraq

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"Ericsson likely to pay fines to US Department of Justice over 'Islamic State bribes' in Iraq" 14 April 2022

Swedish telecoms equipment giant Ericsson said Thursday it will likely have to pay new fines to the US Department of Justice over suspected bribes to the Islamic State group in Iraq.

Chief executive Borje Ekholm conceded in a newspaper interview in February that some of Ericsson employees may have bribed IS members for road transport through areas controlled by the group in Iraq...

In the company's quarterly earnings statement...Ekholm said Ericsson was "fully committed to cooperating" with the US Department of Justice...

Ekholm said in the statement that the company was "limited in what we can say" about the events in Iraq, but he said in March that it was "a very serious matter, and involves embarrassing and unacceptable conduct in the past".
