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18 Май 2020

Facebook releases findings of independent human rights impact assessments of the role of its services in Sri Lanka, Indonesia & Cambodia

Facebook has released the findings of three independent human rights impact assessments it commissioned in 2018 that examined the degree to which its platforms did or did not contribute to adverse human rights impacts in Sri Lanka, Indonesia and Cambodia, along with details on how the company has responded to the recommendations. The assessments, two by Article One and one by BSR, contain numerous recommendations for Facebook, including but not limited to:

  • Improving its corporate accountability around human rights 
  • Updating its Community Standards and improving enforcement 
  • Investing in changes to platform architecture to promote authoritative information and reduce the spread of abusive content 
  • Improving reporting mechanisms and response times 
  • Engaging more regularly and substantively with civil society organizations 
  • Increasing transparency so that people better understand our approach to content, misinformation and News Feed ranking
  • Continuing human rights due diligence
