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28 Ноя 2017

Phys Org

'Fast fashion' continues to put garment workers' health & well-being at risk, new study shows

"New study shows 'fast fashion' continues to risk garment workers' health and well-being", 23 Nov 2017

On the 24th November 2012, a fire in the Tazreen Fashions factory in Bangladesh led to the death of at least 112 workers, while the collapse of the Rana Plaza building just five months later killed 1,134 garment workers and injured hundreds of survivors. Now, five years on, new research conducted by academics at the University of Sussex shows that despite some improvements, 'fast fashion' is still putting the  and well-being of garment workers at risk... Workers are having to make a trade-off between earning a living and caring for their health. The 'fast fashion' industry must realise that workers' health is more than just the absence of injury; people's well-being encompasses physical, social, and mental dimensions that are threatened by the conditions they are working in... The future well-being of garment workers around the world relies on the 'fast fashion' industry realising that it has a responsibility to these people's health and wellbeing that extends well beyond the structural safety of the buildings they work in. [refers to Primark and Marks & Spencer]