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Нападение на правозащитника

5 Окт 2021

Gobardhan - Mali Parbat Surakhya Samiti

Дата инцидента
5 Окт 2021
Точность даты
Все верно
Mali Parbat Surakhya Samiti
Лидер или член затронутого сообщества, Группа по экологическим проблемам
Произвольное задержание
Цель: Физическое лицо
Место происшествия: Индия
Hindalco (part of Aditya Birla Group) Индия Горнодобывающая промышленность Ответ компании
Другие участники


On 22 September 2021, 36 community-based and environmental defenders were charged for protesting the irregularities of a public hearing on the extension of the licence of a bauxite mining company, and 16 of them including the 16-year-old son of a HRD were arrested in the next days by the police, while Mr. Abhi Sadepelli and his wife received death threats by unknown individuals in Koraput district, India.