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Ответ компании

7 Июн 2017

Hugo Boss

Hugo Boss response

[This is an unofficial translation from the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre. You can find the original version here.]

HUGO BOSS is increasingly committed to ensuring transparency in its supply chain. At the beginning of this year, we published our production countries and the number of producers on the company’s website. A list of our finished goods suppliers was recently added to this information. We thereby also meet the demands of the Transparency Pledge campaign (amongst others the Clean Clothes Campaign, the Industrial Union Global Union, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)). The current list already covers 93% of our finished goods suppliers. The goal is to complete the remaining 7% over the course of this year. To this end, we have already launched a relevant exchange. Moreover, HUGO BOSS has also set up a roadmap that is expected to lead to complete supply chain transparency by 2019. In order to work together to improve standards worldwide, including in countries such as India, last year HUGO BOSS also decided to join an on-the-ground project led by the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles. This will commence in mid-June. In addition, the company has entered into various alliances to continue to work with other companies to improve standards. The dialogue with Dr. Burckhardt and other NGOs, as part of our international stakeholder day, is also an important part of our engagement. Likewise, a constructive exchange with Dr. Burckhardt took place within the framework of the Annual General Meeting.
