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9 Сен 2021

China: Human Rights Action Plan (2021-2025) mentions encouraging Chinese businesses to abide by UN Guiding Principles

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On 9 September 2021, China published the latest human rights action plan, setting the objectives and tasks of respecting, protecting and promoting human rights in the period from 2021 to 2025.

Titled "Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025)," the document was released by the State Council Information Office.

The Action Plan lists a range of targets for the 2021-2025 period, including economic, social and cultural rights, civil and political rights, education and environment rights, and minority group rights.

On Business & Human Rights, the Action Plan states that:

Promoting responsible business conduct in global supply chains. It will encourage Chinese businesses to abide by the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights in their foreign trade and investment, to conduct due diligence on human rights, and to fulfill their social responsibility to respect and promote human rights. It will participate and play a constructive role in negotiations on the UN business and human rights treaty.

Human Rights Action Plan of China (2021-2025)

Read the Full Action Plan