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9 Фев 2021


India: After 8 months, union signs agreement with H&M supplier Gokaldas Exports that recognises union & reinstates all 1,257 unfairly dismissed workers

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"Union wins reinstatement of 1,257 workers in India", 8 February 2021

After an eight-month struggle and international solidarity campaign, the Garment and Textile Workers’ Union (GATWU) has signed an agreement with H&M supplier Gokaldas Exports that recognizes the union and reinstates all the 1,257 workers – mostly women - who were fired...

The resolution of the union paid off, and on 1 February 2021, Gokaldas Exports signed a memorandum of understanding with GATWU, their national centre NTUI and IndustriALL.

The most important points of the agreement are:

  1. All 1,257 workers who were employed when the factory shut will be offered work if they apply before 15 March 2021.
  2. ECC-2 will remain shut, but workers will be offered employment in two other factories.
  3. The company will provide transport to the factories.
  4. GATWU will be recognized as the sole bargaining agent for three years in any factory where they have more than 20 per cent membership...
