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7 Мар 2014

Kate Lamb, Voice of America

Indonesia Battles Raging Forest Fires, Takes Heat On Transboundary Haze [Singapore, Malaysia]

Forest fires in the Indonesian province of Riau continue to rage a week after a state of emergency was declared. From Jakarta, the central government makes efforts to fight the flames - and the thorny issue of transnational haze...[H]uge swathes of land have been destroyed, flights have been delayed and schools shut down. The levels of haze have also caused a spike in respiratory illnesses. Riau province, on the island of Sumatra, is a major palm oil producer and, despite a zero burning policy, forested land is regularly cleared through illegal burning to make way for new plantations…

Part of the following timelines

Forest fires from clearing of palm plantations in Indonesia cause destruction of land, school shutdowns & respiratory illnesses; transboundary impacts also looming in Malaysia & Singapore

Burning in palm oil plantations causes haze in populated cities in Indonesia, Malaysia & Singapore