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2 Дек 2018

Hannah Abdulla, Just-Style

Indonesia: Groups urge Uniqlo to clarify its commitment to re-employ workers and acknowledge wage settlement obligations

"Uniqlo urged again to help Indonesia factory workers," 29 November 2018

Worker rights campaigners are continuing to urge Uniqlo-owner Fast Retailing to settle wage and severace payments at a former supplier in Indonesia - with the...corporation...saying tht even though it was not of the factory's major buyers it has made several offers to help workers find new employment.

Teddy Senadi Putra, a labour union PUK SPAI FSPMI at PT Jaba Garmindo, confirms Uniqlo repeated its offer for re-employment. "But we don't get any specifics of where this factory is location and how many people can be re-employed. And there can be no talk of re-employment without recognition that we are owed US$5.5m..."

Mirjam van Heugten, international coordinator at Clean Clothes Campaign, add: "Uniqlo...speaks of the promise of sustainability. However, sustainability brings with it an expectation of responsibility. It's about making sure your supply chain is not huring people's livelihoods, and that the people who make your clothes can live lives of dignity."
