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27 Ноя 2020

Jordan: Better Work issues a policy brief on the mental well-being of migrant workers in the garment sector

Better Work Jordan has issued a report on the mental health of migrant workers in the garment sector. The report identifies areas where the mental health needs of migrant workers are not being met as well as gaps in the current mental health system; both the factory level and more broadly in Jordan. It also explores ways in which stakeholders can improve the mental well-being of garment workers, such as compliance with labour laws and support the prevalence of decent work conditions.

The reports found, among other things, that there are significant issues with well-being among workers in the garment sector. The severity of such issues varies by gender and nationality. Moreover, the financial concerns and working conditions such as safety in the workplace, verbal abuse and concerns about forced overtime are connected with mental well-being. The report further finds that sexual harassment is correlated with lower well-being, whether the worker has personally experienced the harassment or whether it has happened to a friend or colleagues. Finally, trust between workers and their supervisors and between workers and management is also very connected with mental well-being of workers.

The report suggests, among other things, that mental health of workers in the garment sector can be supported by eliminating verbal abuses and sexual harassment as well as ensuring the compliance with safety measures in the workplace.