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1 Авг 2022

Global Witness

Kenya: Facebook urged to deploy emergency measures to protect the integrity of the election

"Use “break glass” measures and suspend ads to protect Kenyan election, rights groups and Frances Haugen demand"

Global Witness, Foxglove and the “Facebook Files” whistleblower Frances Haugen are calling on Facebook to deploy emergency measures in Kenya to protect the integrity of the country’s election. They are calling for a suspension on advertising until the election is concluded, and actions similar to the “Break the Glass” measures Facebook took in the days immediately following the January 6, 2021 attack on the US Capitol. The call also compels Facebook to be fully transparent with regulators and the public, by setting out exactly what measures it is taking in Kenya and the timeline for roll-out...

The call follows an intervention this morning by Kenya’s National Cohesion and Integration Commission, who told Facebook they have violated the country’s hate prevention guidelines and have seven days to demonstrate their compliance with the recommendations in Global Witness and Foxglove’s report. If Facebook fails to comply it faces a temporary suspension in the country, which will hold a general election on August 9.
