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17 Авг 2021

Mohammed Ghobari & Reyam Mokhashef, Reuters

Mass job terminations hit hundreds of Yemenis in Saudi Arabia

Hundreds of medical staff, academics and other professionals in the kingdom's southern region bordering Yemen have in recent weeks been told they are being let go, several Yemenis told Reuters...

The exact number is not known. Staff said they were not provided justification for government orders to stop renewing contracts of Yemenis. There has been no official explanation and Saudi and Yemeni authorities did not respond to Reuters requests for comment. Yemeni sources who spoke to Reuters said they did not know why the dismissals were happening and were unwilling to advance any theories.

A Saudi analyst, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the move aimed to free up jobs for citizens in the south as part of efforts to tackle Saudi unemployment of 11.7%

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