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9 Май 2013

Associated Press

Merck sales rep files lawsuit saying company discriminates against women and pregnant women [USA]

A Merck…sales representative is suing the drugmaker for at least $100 million, saying Merck doesn’t give women equal opportunities for advancement and punishes employees for taking maternity leave. Kelli Smith…says in the lawsuit that the company’s sales plans create incentives to discriminate against women, that women are discouraged from advancing their careers and are told they have to choose between having being mothers and taking bigger roles at the company, and that men get more opportunities to meet senior managers and develop important contacts. She said the company retaliated against her for drawing attention to the issues. She wants to create a class action lawsuit on behalf of women sales representatives who have worked at Merck since October 2009…The company said it has a strong anti-discrimination policy and it committed to providing equal opportunities to all of its employees. The company said its policy also prohibits retaliation against employees who bring complaints…