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Ответ компании

17 Ноя 2020

NBCUniversal's Response

NBCUniversal's Response, 17 November 2020

Universal’s consumer products team was notified that a licensee (Pong InTouch Co., Ltd.) in Thailand acted without our knowledge or authorization and subcontracted part of their manufacturing (branded with our Intellectual Property) to an unauthorized factory in that region. This violates NBCUniversal’s global Manufacturer’s Code of Conduct and our overall consumer products licensing agreement. We take this matter very seriously and this is not in line with our core values, the human rights U.N. Guiding Principles, or the ILO guidelines. Our expectation is that Pong InTouch complies with our multiple requests for them to fulfill their known obligations and to take care of the impacted workers immediately. Left uncorrected, the Universal consumer products team will no longer work with this licensee going forward as they will no longer meet our brand standards.
