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16 Май 2018

Russell Brandom, The Verge

New Toronto Declaration calls on algorithms to respect human rights

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A coalition of human rights and technology groups [have] released a new declaration on machine learning standards, calling on both governments and tech companies to ensure that algorithms respect basic principles of equality and non-discrimination. Called The Toronto Declaration, the document focuses on the obligation to prevent machine learning systems from discriminating, and in some cases violating, existing human rights law... “We must keep our focus on how these technologies will affect individual human beings and human rights,” the preamble reads. “In a world of machine learning systems, who will bear accountability for harming human rights?”

... While not legally binding, the declaration is meant to serve as a guiding light for governments and tech companies dealing with these issues, similar to the Necessary and Proportionate principles on surveillance... Beyond general non-discrimination practices, the declaration focuses on the individual right to remedy when algorithmic discrimination does occur... “Transparency is integrally related to accountability. It is not simply about making users comfortable with products,” said Dinah PoKempner, general counsel at Human Rights Watch. “It is also about ensuring that AI is a mechanism that works for the good of human dignity.”
