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24 Апр 2015

David Batty, The Guardian (UK)

NYU set to compensate thousands of migrant workers on Abu Dhabi complex

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New York University (NYU) has pledged to compensate thousands of migrant workers who built its new campus in Abu Dhabi after an investigation found that roughly a third were excluded from safeguards intended to stop them from being abused and exploited. About 10,000 people were not covered by the university’s labour guidelines, which were meant to protect them from exploitative conditions including forced labour, poor wages, illegal recruitment fees and associated debts, squalid living conditions, and abuse and harassment, according to a report by the international investigations firm Nardello & Co...In a joint statement, NYU and Tamkeen...accepted that the system was flawed, adding that they would provide compensation to the excluded workers in “line with what they should have received under our labor standards”...It added that a third party would be appointed to reimburse the affected workers, who also include some not paid their full wages despite being covered by the guidelines. 
