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20 Авг 2021

Bill McKibben, Diana Nabiruma & Omar Elmawi, in The Guardian

Opinion: Proposed east African crude oil pipeline first test of whether Uganda & Tanzania are responding to concerns about climate change

"Let’s heed the UN’s dire warning and stop the east African oil pipeline now"

If there is one world leader trying to look out for the planet as a whole, not just their own nation, it’s the UN secretary general. Last week, António Guterres was resolute in the wake of the damning report from the IPCC on the perilious climate crisis. It should, he said, sound “a death knell for coal and fossil fuels, before they destroy our planet”. He called for an end to “all new fossil fuel exploration and production”, and told countries to shift fossil fuel subsidies into renewable energy.

One of the first tests of whether anyone is paying attention will be if somebody rips up the plans for what would be the world’s longest heated crude oil pipeline – the 1,443km (900-mile) east African crude oil pipeline (EACOP) that will run from oilfields in Uganda to the ocean ports of Tanzania. If it gets built, it’s is a sure sign that the world’s leaders are not listening.

Part of the following timelines

Prospective lenders, insurers & export credit agencies withdraw from East African Crude Oil Pipeline due to environmental & social concerns

Uganda & Tanzania: East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)