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23 Авг 2022

Miguel Delaney, The Independent (UK)

Qatar 2022: Only four FAs have allowed NGOs to speak to players & no association has endorsed #PayUpFIFA campaign, finds Independent

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"No World Cup participants yet endorsing PayUpFifa campaign to compensate migrant workers," 22 Aug 2022

With less than 100 days before the World Cup, none of the 31 qualified federations have yet endorsed the PayUpFifa campaign [see here]...

...just over a third of qualified nations have conducted proper consultations with human rights groups about this World Cup, and only four of those have allowed such bodies to directly speak to players...

“Workers’ and their families can’t afford to wait while FAs waste more time trying to align their messaging,” Amnesty International say.

It speaks volumes, in the words of Fair Square’s Nick McGeehan, that it is now more than 4,000 days since Qatar was awarded the World Cup, with less than 100 days until its start, and “the labour system isn’t significantly better in practice for migrant workers”...

Only 14 federations acknowledged the email, but just eight of those offered proper responses to questions...

Isobel Archer of the Business and Human Rights Resource Centre says:...

“Human rights responsibilities are not a checkbox exercise, and they certainly shouldn’t be outsourced to others. FAs must take ownership over this process – engage fully with hotels and other service providers to set out their expectations on how workers should be treated, report transparently on risks and clearly commit to taking action to remediate rights violations if they do occur.”
