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21 Окт 2020

Sanaullah Ataullah, The Peninsula Qatar

Qatar: Govt. announces planned cancellation of employer system to report "absconding" workers

"System of reporting absconding workers to be abolished soon," 20 Oct 2020

To safeguard the workers’ rights in Qatar, a ministerial decision is expected to be issued soon to abolish the existing system of reporting absconding workers...

“We are working with the Ministry of Interior to cancel the system for reporting runaway workers,” said Assistant Undersecretary for Labour Affairs at the Ministry of Administrative Development and Labour and Social Affairs (MADLSA), H E Mohamed Hassan Al Obaidli...

Al Obaidli said that the employer will be no more entitled to report for absconding workers. He only has to inform that his worker quit the job to avert future liability.

The Ministry will investigate the status of the absconding worker  and settle the situation according to the applicable law. He can file complaint and apply for changing a job. The runaway worker will be entitled to avail all of his rights. The report for absconding worker will not affect their status at all,” said Obaidli.