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5 Авг 2022

Saudi Arabia: Bilateral agreement to bring Pakistani workers to Kingdom "strictly" regulates recruitment fees and deductions by agencies and employers

"No hiring of workers with criminal record; no deduction of recruitment fee from salary: Saudi official", 1 Aug 2022

The new labor agreement that was agreed upon by Riyadh and Islamabad to hire workers from Pakistan stipulates that no Pakistanis with a criminal record shall be hired to Saudi Arabia. It is not allowed to deduct recruitment charges from the worker’s salary and that the worker shall arrive in the Kingdom within one month after the receipt of the work visa...

The agreement aims to recruit labors from Pakistan to work regularly in Saudi Arabia in a way protecting the rights of both parties -employers and workers - and regulating the contractual relationship between them...

The recruitment costs shall be governed by strict regulations of both the countries. It should be ensured that recruitment offices, companies or agencies in both countries, in addition to the employer, do not impose any fees or deductions from the worker’s salary in return for recruitment costs...