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29 Янв 2019

Leigh Day

Statement by Leigh Day in relation to the settlement of the human rights claims against Gemfields Ltd

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...Leigh Day acknowledges that Gemfields has taken the claimants’ allegations seriously and has been proactive and constructive in addressing the wider issues raised by local communities through this case. Gemfields has agreed to a settlement of these claims, which includes a sum which will be distributed to the claimants and the establishment of further community projects to improve the long term agricultural productivity and livelihoods of residents of Ntoro/Namucho.    

Importantly, after consultation with Leigh Day, Gemfields has also agreed to establish an independent Operational Grievance Mechanism to ensure that any individual who wishes to raise a grievance in relation to MRM’s operations is able to obtain appropriate remedy promptly. The implementation of the Grievance Mechanism will be overseen by international experts.

Daniel Leader, partner at Leigh Day, commented:

“The settlement announced today provides significant redress to our clients and importantly puts in place a credible and independent mechanism for providing remedy to those we have been unable to represent. These incidents should never have happened. However, we commend Gemfields for engaging constructively to resolve this case promptly and for putting in place an independent grievance mechanism.”