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13 Май 2022

Aya Al Deeb, Gulf Today (UAE)

UAE: Worker compensated USD68000 after sustaining serious leg injury on the job citing lack of safety measures

Joshua GM, Shutterstock

"Worker loses leg after pipe weighing one-tonne falls on him, wins Dhs250,000 in compensation" 10 May 2022

The Abu Dhabi Court of Appeal upheld a verdict issued by the Court of First Instance obligating a company to pay a worker, 33, a compensation of Dhs250,000 after his right leg had been amputated as a result of a water pipe weighing around one tonne fell on his foot...

The case dates back to the time when the worker filed a lawsuit in which he demanded that the company be obligated to compensate him for his amputated right leg because of the accident that took place in the worksite while transporting water pipe.

He pleaded that he missed the opportunity to work and earn money while he was in the prime of life, not to mention the bitterness and heartbreak that befell him as a result of the accident, which caused a 100 per cent disability in his right leg, and the need for prosthetic devices etc. 

In his lawsuit, the worker indicated that the defendant was found guilty of not providing security and safety means according to a court ruling.

Meanwhile, the company demanded that the lawsuit be revoked because it borrowed the worker from another company, pleading that it provided all safety and security means but the worker was to blame because he caused the pipe to roll and fall on his right leg.