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4 Авг 2020

Artem Tidva, openDemocracy (UK)

Ukraine: Construction industry's weak labour rights and health & safety standards worsened by lack of regulation & inspections curbed due to COVID-19

"In Ukraine, quarantine measures weaken workplace protections,"  28 July 2020

...According to the first voluntary national review of sustainable development goals in Ukraine, progress in guaranteeing reliable and safe working conditions is either absent or extremely weak...

Ukraine lacks a functioning institution that can respond to violations of labour rights. Almost all of Ukraine’s state supervisory bodies have been reorganised into the state labour inspectorate, whose powers are gradually being eroded under the pressure of the business lobby...

Since the start of quarantine in Ukraine, certain state services have succeeded in increasing their effectiveness online, but some work is impossible to do digitally...

Protecting labour rights at Ukraine’s construction sites has become more difficult... For five months now Ukraine’s labour inspectorate (and the construction inspectorate in April) has been reacting to reports of labour rights violations with boilerplate answers, claiming site inspections are impossible due to the quarantine...