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18 Сен 2019

Jason Schreier, Kotaku

USA: Investigation highlights 'controlling and exploitative' conditions at Nicalis, incl. racist & homophobic slurs

"Inside The Ghosting, Racism And Exploitation At Game Publisher Nicalis", 13 September 2019

Ghosting stories…are common when it comes to Nicalis…Kotaku spoke to…external developers who worked with Nicalis and…former Nicalis employees… Some shared anecdotes about the company ignoring them for months on end.

All described Nicalis’s founder and president Tyrone Rodriguez as…prone to behaviour that some called controlling and exploitative. Multiple former…employees said Rodriguez pressured them to drink heavily, made racist jokes in the workplace, and would oscillate between berating them and ignoring them. A few shared Skype logs of Rodriguez using racial and ableist slurs, racist jokes, and antisemitic comments during work conversations…

Nicalis spokesperson sent over a…statement: “We do not condone abusive workplace environments or discrimination and have people from all walks of life. We hope for the continued success of our internal team and our external developers”…