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Ответ компании

18 Июн 2018

Malin Ripa, Volvo Group

Volvo responds to concerns regarding its involvement in the Israeli occupation

... Thank you for providing Volvo Group with the opportunity to respond to a recently published report by Who Profits related to the use of Volvo machinery and trucks in Israel and Palestine. The Volvo Group is a producer of trucks, heavy machinery, buses, marine and industrial engines with business in more than 190 countries. We conduct our business operations in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including sanctions. The Volvo Group respects human rights and is a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2001. In Israel and Palestine we sell our products and services through private business partners and have done so for a long time. Volvo products have a long life span, may be leased/rented, and may change ownership several times. As mentioned in previous responses to you on this topic, we are thus limited in our possibilities to influence how Volvo products are used throughout their entire life cycle. We do not believe that the sale of Volvo products to business partners in Israel can reasonably be seen as a breach of our commitments under the UN Global Compact...
