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4 Kas 2022

Svetoslav Abrossimov, Kallanish

Russia: Infiniti, luxury division of Nissan, exits Russian market; incl. co. comment

"Infiniti also leaves the Russian automotive market", 4 November 2022

The automotive company Infiniti, which is the luxury vehicle division of the Japanese carmaker Nissan, has announced its withdrawal from the Russian market...

“In the current conditions, Nissan has decided to leave the Russian market,” it says. The brand will stop deliveries of new cars, but will continue servicing older models, the manufacturer said in a statement.

“Sayonara means goodbye in Japanese. At Infiniti, we fondly remember our time together: discovering Japanese culture, the Japanese approach to design, home, and time with family,” the message says. “We believe in a bright future, and that you will answer us in Japanese itterashai, which translates as - it's good to go and come back again. We say goodbye to you.”


More than 20 foreign carmakers have suspended production or left the Russian market since Russian forces invaded Ukraine on 24 February. Carmakers in Russia continued to decrease output in January-September to only 349,000 units, down by 66% on-year. In September alone, almost 24,000 units were produced, down 77.4%.

Part of the following timelines

Ukraine: Global outrage over Russian invasion leads to sanctions, demands for businesses to divest

Russia: Auto & aviation industries take stock following invasion of Ukraine