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Aegis Defence Services

Aegis Defence Services’ response re inadequate labour practices in US Embassy in Kabul, Afghanistan

“The POGO report referenced refers to a contract undertaken by our US affiliate (Aegis Defense Services LLC) in Afghanistan. The terms of this contract...mean that the company is unable to make any public comment , but we draw your attention to the information available on the public record where it is clear Aegis’ client is satisfied that there is no case to answer on any matter raised in the POGO report. Certain of the specific allegations made by former Aegis employees are subject to court action in the US which Aegis believes is without merit and is vigorously defending. Aegis takes its responsibilities towards upholding human rights very seriously...Aegis was actively involved in the development and signature of the International Code of Conduct for Private Security Service Providers...


Afghanistan: Former Aegis Defense Services workers say inadequate labour practices & training left US embassy in Kabul vulnerable to attack

Blue Mountain Group security guards on duty at US consulate in Libya during Sep 2012 attack allegedly poorly trained & screened