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Rejaul Karim Byron , Refayet Ullah Mirdha and Md Fazlur Rahman, The Daily Star

Bangladesh: Government establishes fund to support garment workers made redundant by Covid-19 pandemic

"Govt plans handouts for the laid-off", 09 September 2020

The government would pay Tk 3,000 per month to [laid-off, disabled and insolvent workers of export-oriented garment factories] for three months under the scheme, backed by the European Union and Germany, who together paid €113 million.

Bangladesh's export sector came under pressure because of the pandemic-induced economic disruptions in the major export markets such as the EU and the US … several export-oriented factories … were forced to announce temporary layoffs and put production on hold or reduce production…

The affected workers have … been languishing in poverty as the pandemic has persisted…

Workers who were employed until February this year would be eligible for the support. Besides, the workers who tested positive for Covid-19, are suffering from other diseases or are unable to work are also eligible.