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Ibrahim Hossain, Dhaka Tribune

Bangladesh: Upon launch RMG Sustainability Council urges all reopened factories to keep garment workers safe during pandemic

"RMG Sustainability Council launches to sustain workplace safety", 1 June 2020

RSC urges all reopened RMG factories to keep the factory workers as safe as possible amid Covid-19 pandemic

The country's apparel manufacturers, global brands, and unions have formally launched RMG Sustainability Council (RSC), a national initiative, in Bangladesh to sustain workplace safety...

Rubana Huq, BGMEA president and also the industry representative on the RSC Board of Directors, said: "The RSC is an unprecedented national initiative and through our collective efforts with the brands and trade unions we will make sure that Bangladesh remains one of the safest countries to source RMG products from."

As per the agreement among the stakeholders, the RSC will continue with factory inspections, remediation monitoring, safety training, and an independent safety and health complaints mechanism available to workers in RMG factories...

China Rahman, general secretary of the IndustriALL Bangladesh Council and trade unions representative on the RSC Board... said: "... [W]e will help ensure workers in RMG factories have safe workplaces and access to remedy to address safety concerns and exercise the right to safe workplaces. We will work to ensure that workers have trust in the newly established RSC."...
