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Electronics Watch

Czech Republic: COVID-19 causes health and safety risks, stress, and economic concerns for workers in electronics manufacturing

"Excerpts from an interview with a worker from electronics factory in Czech Republic"

[A worker in an electronics factory in the Czech Republic notes that electronics products] cannot be sanitized fully. We cannot spray the sensitive electronics with anticovid-19 ... if we don’t want to destroy them. ... what’s completely new about this crisis is that the workers are expected to pull us through it, as usual, but this time at the cost of their health. The employers were given a blank cheque by the state. ...The truth is that people go to work scared, because spending 11 hours with a couple of hundred other people in the hall, or even a few dozen people in the same manufacturing process ... I don’t remember ever going to work thinking that I may not be there in two weeks’ time. ... right now our primary concern is protecting our people, getting them the protective equipment they need, and trying to limit the effects of the economic crisis that is going to come.
