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G7 UK website

G7: Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative launched, signed by major food and agriculture companies

"G7 Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative – Chair’s Statement 16 December" 16 December 2021

  1. G7 Ministers met with CEOs and seniors from 19 major food and agriculture companies on 16 December to launch the G7 Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative. This is a new commitment of 22 leading food and agriculture companies headquartered in G7 countries to take action to improve their environmental and social impact of their supply chains and business operations. 
  2. [...] We recognised we must build agricultural systems that can feed the world while adapting to climate change and restoring ecosystems and biodiversity. We acknowledged we must urgently reduce emissions from food production [...].
  3. We agreed that responding to this challenge requires a significant scaling up of dialogue and partnership between governments and the private sector and welcomed the G7 Sustainable Supply Chain Initiative as an important step in achieving this. We recognised that these 21 signatory companies, with a combined turnover of over $500 billion, employing over 2 million workers, are committing to take action to improve their environmental, nutritional and social impact by 2023 as measured by an independent global benchmark. [...]
    List of Companies Participating in the Initiative 
  • McCain Foods
  • Danone
  • InVivo Group
  • Sodexo
  • Bayer AG
  • PHW Group (Wiesenhof)
  • Meiji Holdings Co.,  Ltd.
  • SEVEN & i HLDGS. Co.,  Ltd.
  • NH Foods
  • Associated British Foods
  • Diageo
  • Sainsbury's
  • Unilever
  • Compass
  • ED&F Man
  • 2Sisters
  • Morrisons
  • Ingredion
  • Kraft Heinz
  • Tate & Lyle
  • McCormick