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内容有以下的语言版本: English, 日本語



Kadokawa Dwango Gakuen's response

"当学園の私学教員ユニオンについての見解" 21 October 2021

[Japanese-to-English translation: Business & Human Rights Resource Centre]


①The Private School Teachers Union does not represent the entirety of the school

The number of full-time faculty and staff at the school is 662, of which only three are members of the Private School Teachers Union.

From March 18, 2021, when the Private School Teachers Union notified the school of the union membership of the school's staff, to the present, [...] we have repeatedly asked the Union to show us the facts that correspond to overwork and the severe working environment if they exist, but the Union has not shown at all so far. [...]


If the Union's claim is true, then [...] Information about the specific facts of overwork [...]. should be gathered and the number of Union members should increase significantly. However, [...] only one person has newly joined the Union so far, and he is a retired employee from the school at the end of March 2021.

Also, [...] there are two people who are actively participating in demonstrations and other activities, and both of them joined the Union less than a year after they started working for the school. We do not believe that they have an accurate understanding of the working environment of our school as a whole.

②The Union doesn't seem to put students first.

[...] The Union [...] claims that teachers could take better care of students if they had fewer students in their charge, but they are suffering because they cannot.

However, [...] we could find no evidence of overwork. [...] The average overtime hours for teachers is 21.5 hours (FY2020), which is well below the expected overtime hours. [...] As for the two people participating in the demonstration,[...] there was no overtime work in excess of the estimated overtime hours.


The Union also argues that 150 students per homeroom teacher is too many. However, [...] we believe that this is a manipulation of impressions on the part of the Union, taking advantage of the fact that the names of so-called"homeroom teacher" in a full-time school and the "homeroom teacher" in our school, which is a correspondence high school, are the same.

③It is doubtful that the purpose of the Union is to improve the environment for students and the treatment of teachers

Regarding one of the points raised by the Union, that rotations are set up that does not allow for breaks during schooling, [...] we have made some improvements since this year. In addition, some of the issues pointed out by the Kameido Labour Standards Inspection Office have been [...] improved or have clear dates for improvement.


In addition, although collective bargaining was originally requested by the Union, it was stubbornly conditioned to allow an unlimited number of members to participate anonymously without disclosing any attributes such as the names and affiliations online, and [...] they have not shown any willingness to even negotiate the conditions.

Some of the Union members [...] have recorded interviews with the school's staff without permission, approval, or request, and have implied that they will cut out parts of the interviews and publish them on the internet.


In light of the fact that the Union only repeats the request and threatens to release a part of the recordings, we can't help but wonder if the Union is just looking for something to make a fuss and attract public attention.

