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Karolina Bonde, Unpaid Debt

Lundin Indicted for War Crimes

The public prosecutor, Henrik Attorps, has formally indicted Ian Lundin and Alex Schneiter for complicity in grave war crimes in Sudan from 1999 to 2003. The Stockholm District court will now try them for aiding and abetting grave war crimes. The prosecutor argues that the accused, in different ways, were complicit in war crimes. It is this complicity that is now under indictment.

We believe that the investigation proves that the military and allied militia systematically attacked civilians or at least carried out indiscriminate attacks...The result was that many civilians were killed, injured and expelled from Block 5A, says the head of the preliminary investigation, public prosecutor Henrik Attorps.

The two representatives of Lundin Energy are indicted due to their executive roles at the Swedish oil company Lundin Oil (from 2001-2003 under the name Lundin Petroleum) that had an oil exploration agreement with the Sudan Government when a civil war ravaged the country.

The crimes will be prosecuted on the basis of universal jurisdiction...

If found guilty, the suspects can face up to life imprisonment. In addition, the Prosecution Authority has announced that it will seek a corporate fine of 3 MSEK from Lundin Energy itself, as well as forfeiture of all economic benefits from a criminal enterprise, in the amount of 1,4 MSEK. The suspects and Lundin Energy have consistently denied all allegations. The trial is likely to start in the beginning of 2022...

This is set to become one of the most complex trials in Swedish history and one that carries incredible importance when it comes to furthering accountability for corporate actors with operations that are directly linked to international atrocity crimes and other human rights violations.
